Discord is a great chat app for gamers, but sometimes you might encounter Discord won't open error, check out the 8 tricks in the tutorial below to fix this issue. For those who need a reliable and free data recovery tool, computer partition manager, backup and restore tool, MiniTool software is the most recommended. In this tutorial, we will review the online platform called Discord and understand several ways to resolve the Discord Not Working issue: The world is made up of people with different tastes and habits, and everyone is trying to find someone who matches their energy and has the same interest. The social media platform has made it easy for people to communicate with each other and find people with the same interests. In this post, we will talk about one such platform called "Discord". Also, we will discuss a common bug that is related to the platform and it is called Discord won't open bug. In the last part of the post, we will also discuss how to fix this error.