
How to Cancel Hawaiian Airlines Flight Ticket?

To cancel hawaiian airlines flight tickets, open the official website of Hawaiian Airlines.

The next step is to select "View Reservations" in the menu section.

If you have made a reservation under Quick Gift, please log in to your account.

The next step for all cancellations is to enter your registered number or e-mail address and the name of the passenger printed on the ticket.

Before you click on the cancel button, you will see that the ticket has some travel fund or refundable value. If there is such a thing on the ticket, the canceled ticket holder can request a refund.

The refund will be refunded to you as paid.

When all of you are done, click "Cancel Flight" to stop the flight.

A credit card will come with 2 billing cycles to refund your purchased ticket or add travel funds to your billing list.

The Thought Travel Funds included in your account are only available for a short period of time, i.e. immediately. Or your ticket will be booked with Quick Rewards and then the Travel Fund refund will be automatically added to your Hawaiian account.

  • Finn smith
  • Jun 17 2022
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